The 21st-century workplace demands innovation and forward-thinking to stay a step ahead. DeakinCo. offers practical, agile workforce accreditation and education. University learning that moves at the speed of business.

Realise your workforce potential

The rigour of a top 1% university, with the speed of a startup

DeakinCo. evolved from Deakin University’s globally respected DeakinPRIME and Deakin Digital. So, from the outset we had the grounding of 25 years’ experience delivering cutting-edge learning programs. Today, it’s our agility to respond to real-world, real-time business needs that separates us from the rest.

Our outcome-based education and accreditation achieves measurable performance results – higher learning with an end goal. And it’s adaptable to align with every client’s unique business needs.

Our Model

Our modular approach to workplace learning and development is stacked to your needs, helping organisations and individuals in three ways:

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Deliver immediate ROI on workplace learning, measure real world skills, and uplift workplace capabilities to help grow and retain the right capabilities to meet the demands of the future of work.

Find out more about credentials

New Possibilities

At DeakinCo. we present new possibilities for the future of workplace performance.

It’s our mission to help businesses and individuals build the in-demand skills to succeed today – and tomorrow.

Global Respect
Global Respect

DeakinCo. are backed by Deakin University, one of Australia’s leading universities and a global top 1% university.

Our workplace solutions are globally recognised and respected and provide the best possible reference and measure of vital workplace skills for organisations.

Through Deakin University, we can provide pathways to further education for your most valuable assets – your people.

Industry Desired
Industry Desired

The capabilities DeakinCo. build and assess are based on contemporary business and industry needs. They are practical work skills that are focused on 21st Century businesses and are required and desired by industry and business, rather than predominantly theoretical concepts.

We know this because we build our programs with our clients in response to their needs. We assess participant capability with industry and academic assessors and use facilitators with a mix of academic and real-world industry experience. We do this to ensure our programs are practical and reflect today’s business work environment – so you get a measurable return, today.

Workplace Performance
Workplace Performance

At DeakinCo. we build workplace capability to drive organisational performance.

The world – and the world of business – is moving fast. We offer practical, modular workplace education that propels
organisations into the future.

Through our learning, short courses, credentialing, mentoring and workshops, we’re able to drive immediate impact on how people operate, so we can in turn drive organisational performance.