Partnering with TCS, a global leader in IT services, digital and business solutions
DeakinCo. are proud to offer three Machine Learning programs, powered with the expertise of TCS to keep your people at the forefront of AI and machine learning.
Facilitated by machine learning and business experts, with DeakinCo.’s machine learning programs, you’ll build team capability simultaneously via one, two or three machine learning programs.
Three programs to build capability at all levels
With the added option of flexible delivery, modules can be delivered weekly via 90 minute webinars or intensive in person formats spread over part or full day formats.
Each program runs between 5 – 14 weeks (weekly delivery option) meaning you’ll see your people delivering your business benefit sooner.
Machine Learning for Practitioners
Ideal for existing Data Scientists, Deep Learning and AI experts, practitioners seeking to deepen their fluency in machine learning.
Understanding Machine Learning
Ideal for those aspiring to become Data Analysts at an operational level with a specialisation in machine learning; seeking to transition to a Data Manager/Steward; and operating staff who need to understand how data scientists undertake their work in machine learning.
Machine Learning and Business Strategy
Ideal for mid/senior managers and leaders (with or without data / IT background) and data specialists working on the strategic applications and implications of machine learning for their organisation.